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Haley Enters Race As First Gop Challenger To Former President

Nikki Haley Announces Presidential Run, Challenging Trump

Haley Enters Race as First GOP Challenger to Former President

Former UN Ambassador Clarifies Stance on Competency Tests After Controversial Tweet

Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley has officially announced her candidacy for President of the United States, becoming the first Republican to enter the race and challenge former President Donald Trump for the nomination.

In a video message, Haley emphasized the importance of freedom and democracy around the world. She drew upon her experience as UN ambassador under Trump, highlighting her willingness to stand up to dictators and promote American values abroad.

Haley's announcement comes after a controversial tweet in which she suggested supporting competency tests for voting. However, she later clarified her stance, saying that she does not believe in disenfranchising any voter and that any test must be fair and accessible to all.

Haley's presidential ambitions have been rumored for some time, and her entry into the race is expected to shake up the GOP field. She joins a growing number of potential candidates, including Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and former Vice President Mike Pence.
